Trang chủ»PRODUCTS»PCM Multiplexer/Fom»Military grade PCM Multiplexer – Model:HXJY-5030

Military grade PCM Multiplexer – Model:HXJY-5030

Military grade PCM Multiplexer Huahuan (XJY-5030) C-LINK Phân Phối

Military grade PCM Multiplexer Huahuan (XJY-5030) C-LINK Phân Phối


  1. Rich E1 and A ports, perfect for network design and wide band application;
  2. Gateway equipment for E1 and A ports;
  3. Convertion for E1 and A port;
  4. A port bit rate: 2048/1024/512/256/128kbps
  5. 30 voice channels, FXS/FXO/hot line/magenet line configurable, 10 of the voice channels can be set to 4/W;
  6. 2 10/100BaseT fast Ethernet and 1 V.35;
  7. 8 RS232 and 4 RS422 asynchronous data 
  8. 1 video,H.264 coding
  9. 10MHz/2048kbps clock input port, 4.6ppm high accurate internal clock
  10. Voice high compressing module embedded;
  11. Data channel has error correcting encoder/decoder for bad channel;
  12. Whole network local/line clock automatic setting;
  13. 19’ 2U electromagnetic compatible and sealed crust;
  14. Wide temperature rang, perfect for outdoor application;
  15. LCD display and setting;
  16. Remote manageable;
  17. -48V,+24V DC power supply or ~220V AC power supply
  18. Low power consumption.

 Technical Specifications

Item Specs
Type Max number
E1 4 ITU-T G.703, 64k cross connection
A port 2 2048/1024/512/256/128kbps
FE 2 10/100M half-duplex, full-duplex mode adaptiveVLAN priority setting
Voice 30 Automatic telephone;2100Hz magnet phone;Hotline;4W voice;2W voice;Battery Telephone;K port;RS232/485;All supported.
Video 1 bi-direction video + 1 voice + 1 control  Coding: H.264Interface: 75Ω BNCBandwidth: 128k8MCompatible: PALNTSC
V.35   N*64kbps   N range: (1,32)
Power supply 220VAC -48/+24VDC   
Temperature Working temperature (-20°C, 60°C)storage temperature (-55°C70°C)
Power consumption ≤ 50W
Dimension W × H × Dmm):480 × 88 × 365
Weight Net weight ≤10kg

Download Datasheet:  HXJY-5030

Cách đặt hàng tại C-Link:

1. Hotline: 0904.999.815

2. Email:

3. Trực tiếp: Số 207, ngõ 192 Lê Trọng Tấn, Định Công, Hoàng Mai, Hà Nội

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