RS-232 To CANBUS (UT-2503)

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Bộ Chuyển Đổi RS-232 To CANBUS UTEK (UT-2503) C-LINK Phân Phối

 RS-232 To CANBUS UTEK (UT-2503) C-LINK 

1.  Built-in microprocessor, 32K Flash, 32K SRAM, watchdog function 
2.  Support CanBus 2.0A/B protocol 
3.  Can set communication speed and communication format of RS-232/RS-485 and CAN bus through software 
4.  +5V power supply, with power isolation module, isolation voltage 2500VDC, no serial port for power supply, suitable for serial ports of microcontroller and other devices 
5.  RS-232/RS-485 support standard 0.3K-115.2Kbps brand rate, 15KV ESD protection 
6.  CAN data line with transient interference suppression, communication speed up to 1Mbps 
7.  Longest transmission distance up to 10,000 meters or more (nothing to do with the speed) 
8.  Typical data transmission delay 1ms (serial port speed 9.6Kbps, CAN bus speed 100Kbps) 
9.  Indicator light for Power and data flow to conduct troubleshooting 
10. Working environment -25~+85℃, storage conditions -55~125℃, humidity (90%)


Download Datasheet: UT-2503

Download Hướng dẫn: UT-2503

Cách đặt hàng tại C-Link:

1. Hotline: 0904.999.815

2. Email:

3. Trực tiếp: Số 207, ngõ 192 Lê Trọng Tấn, Định Công, Hoàng Mai, Hà Nội

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