Trang chủ»Sản Phẩm»Module Quang»Module quang XENPAK 10G»Module Quang XENPAK CWDM/DWDM 10G


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Module Quang ZHT (XENPAK CWDM/DWDM 10G) C-LINK Phân Phối

Module Quang ZHT (XENPAK CWDM/DWDM 10G) C-LINK Phân Phối

Đặc Điểm:

XGIGA’s  10Gb/s  XENPAK  transceiver  module  XGXK-CXX96-80D  is  a  hot  pluggable  in  the Z-direction module that is usable in typical router line card applications, Storage, IP network and LAN and compliant to XENPAK MSA. The XGXK-CXX96-80D is a fully integrated 10.3Gbit/s optical transceiver module that consists of a 10.3Gbit/s optical transmitter and receiver, XAUI interface, Mux and Demux with clock and data recovery (CDR).This version of XGIGA Inc. transceiver line uses an cooled CWDM EML Laser Diode to achieve 80km over standard single mode fiber as 10GBASE-ZR of the IEEE 802.3ae.

Thông Số Kỹ Thuật:

1. XAUI Electrical Interface: 4 Lanes @ 3.125Gbit/s

2. Cooled CWDM EML

3. Hot Z-Pluggable

4. C-Duplex Optical Receptacle

5. MDIO, DOM Support

6. APD Photo-detector

7. Compliant to XENPAK MSA 3.0

8. Mechanical Footprint: 4.76” L x 1.42” W x 0.46” H

9. Compliant to IEEE 802.3ae 10GBASE-ZR Application

10. Case operating temperature: 0 to 70 °C


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1. Hotline: 0904.999.815

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3. Trực tiếp: Số 207, ngõ 192 Lê Trọng Tấn, Định Công, Hoàng Mai, Hà Nội

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Trang chủ»Sản Phẩm»Module Quang»Module quang XENPAK 10G»Module Quang XENPAK CWDM/DWDM 10G

XENPAK CWDM/DWDM Optical Transciver 10G

Giới thiệu

Module Quang ZHT (XENPAK CWDM/DWDM 10G) C-LINK Phân Phối

XENPAK CWDM/DWDM Optical Transciver 10G


XGIGA’s  10Gb/s  XENPAK  transceiver  module  XGXK-CXX96-80D  is  a  hot  pluggable  in  the Z-direction module that is usable in typical router line card applications, Storage, IP network and LAN and compliant to XENPAK MSA. The XGXK-CXX96-80D is a fully integrated 10.3Gbit/s optical transceiver module that consists of a 10.3Gbit/s optical transmitter and receiver, XAUI interface, Mux and Demux with clock and data recovery (CDR).This version of XGIGA Inc. transceiver line uses an cooled CWDM EML Laser Diode to achieve 80km over standard single mode fiber as 10GBASE-ZR of the IEEE 802.3ae.

Thông Số Kỹ Thuật:

1. XAUI Electrical Interface: 4 Lanes @ 3.125Gbit/s

2. Cooled CWDM EML

3. Hot Z-Pluggable

4. C-Duplex Optical Receptacle

5. MDIO, DOM Support

6. APD Photo-detector

7. Compliant to XENPAK MSA 3.0

8. Mechanical Footprint: 4.76” L x 1.42” W x 0.46” H

9. Compliant to IEEE 802.3ae 10GBASE-ZR Application

10. Case operating temperature: 0 to 70 °C


Cách đặt hàng tại C-Link:

1. Hotline: 0904.999.815

2. Email:

3. Trực tiếp: Số 207, ngõ 192 Lê Trọng Tấn, Định Công, Hoàng Mai, Hà Nội

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